Friday, March 23, 2012

I'll wait

It's 3.46 am on a Friday morning and I can't sleep.
I wonder why..

So anyway, because of my sudden ~insomnia~ I decided to read my old blog posts. I have 3 blogs in total. 2 of which are private. Huhu. I love my private blogs, they make me feel like I know something that other people don't know. Eventhough that '''something''' is myself lol. I'm so pathetic ;____;

Well I've come the conclusion that I've since traveled a long way from.. then. LOL WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT I'M STILL THE SAME ;___;

But I've read my posts when I was 13. One word to that; ew. HAHA I sounded so disgustingly narcissistic. One thing I noticed though- I was such a loner back then. I can't even remember my friends when I was 13. 13 sounds so grown up-ish when I was 13 but now I realized that I was just a baby back then.

Is this how life is going to be like from now on? T__T
Realizing how childish you are even as a teenager?!?! The thing is, I always viewed myself as a sophisticated young person who can't sound childish even if they try. But childishness is the essence of my being for the last.... 17 years.

I bet I'll look back to this post 3 years later and go 'Who childishly writes about being childish. So childish'. EEE.

Lol so anyway, I've been typing the word childish so much it doesn't even sound like a real word anymore.
Alright then, will try to catch some sleep.
Peace out.

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