My parents taught me that nothing ever comes easy.
From the day I was born, every thing I have, I must earn.
Excluding the basic essentials of course.
It's quite stressful really. Because now that I'm 16, I actually have the option of having my own mode of transportation. Namely. a motorbike.
But how do one earn a motorbike?! How do a 16 year old with no job earn enough money for a motorbike?
And that's from the money angle alone.
My mum and dad are adamant of the fact that I can't be trusted because of my ''clumsiness''. Well to that, I say pish posh. I'm perfectly capable of stirring a motorcycle and not get into random accidents.
Gah. Overbearing parents are overbearing.
It is sooooooooooo frustrating because well for one thing, I know they could afford a motorcycle for me. -__-' The same way I know they could afford to buy me a decent phone but opted to buy me the cheapest phone in the market instead (well, actually I have to pay for that myself too).
Thing is, a motorbike can do so much to me. Transportation problems no more. And call me pathetic but being on a motorbike is the world's greatest feeling. I mean, having the wind on your hair. Feeling so.. vulnerable on the street that it filled you with adrenaline. Especially on the free way.
In fact, even if my parents won't let me have a motorbike at the age of 16, I will buy one for myself when I'm a functioning adult.
When will my parents see that I'm actually growing up the way I'm supposed to (albeit I'm shorter than most people my age?). I mean, I think I'm responsible enough..
If my parents are afraid I'll go wild in the presence of motorbike, I think they're sorely mistaken (much to my dismay).
I hate social scenes. I've been out with my friends once during this holiday. Once.
So I don't see the basis of their irrational worry.
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